"Deadwood" television series aired on HBO from 2004 to 2006, 3 12-episode seasons. The story is set in the 1870's in Deadwood, South Dakota. "Deadwood" starts as a gold mining camp and gradually turns from a lawless wild-west community into an organized wild-west civilized town. The storyline focuses on the real-life characters Seth Bullock and Al Swearengen. The series is woven around actual historic events and most of the main characters are based on real people such as William Randolph Hearst, Wild Bill Hickok and, as portrayed by Robin - Calamity Jane, an unkempt, foul-mooded, foul-mouthed drunkard. In 2004 Robin was nominated for an Emmy for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama Series for the role and in 2005 a Prism Award for Performance in a Drama Series Storyline. The cast of "Deadwood" was nominated for a Screen Actors Guild Award in 2007 for Outstanding Performance by an Ensemble in a Drama Series.